Hebe Beauty Bar

Chin Lipo Dissolvent

Are you unsatisfied with your jawline or facial profile? Do you have stubborn, excess fat under your chin?

This non-invasive anti-aging procedure works to improve the appearance of your double chin. This treatment offers a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking to enhance their facial profile without undergoing invasive surgery.

Double Chin Treatment in Red Deer Alberta

What is Chin Lipo Dissolvent?

Chin Lipo Dissolvent, also known as deoxycholic acid. , is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure specifically designed to target and reduce excess fat underneath the chin, commonly referred to as a "double chin." This FDA-approved injectable treatment offers a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking to enhance their facial profile without undergoing invasive surgery.

The procedure involves the injection of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. This acid works by targeting and destroying the fat cells responsible for the double chin, resulting in a more sculpted and contoured jawline.

Kybella | Red Deer Alberta |
deoxycholic acid in Red Deer Alberta

Who Can Benefit

Chin Lipo Dissolvent may be right for you if you are looking to reduce excess fat under your chin and reveal a more defined jaw.

Non-surgical Option - Chin Lipo Dissolvent eliminates the need for surgical procedures, such as liposuction, offering a minimally invasive alternative for reducing submental fat.

Precision treatment - The injections are administered precisely to the targeted area, ensuring fat reduction in the desired location.

Long-lasting results - The destroyed fat cells are permanently eliminated, leading to long-lasting results and reducing the chances of future fat accumulation in the treated area.

Whatโ€™s Involved In A Typical Deoxycholic Acid Treatment? 

During a Chin Lipo Dissolvent session at Hebe Beauty Bar, our experienced medical professionals will assess your individual needs and customize a treatment plan to achieve your desired results. The injections are administered using fine needles, ensuring minimal discomfort. Topical numbing and ice packs are applied to numb the area thoroughly before treatment.

While some patients may experience mild swelling, bruising, or numbness in the treated area following the procedure, these effects are generally temporary and will resolve with time. Multiple treatment sessions are typically required to achieve optimal results. These will be spaced a few weeks apart.

What To Expect 

  • How Many Sessions Do You Need?

    The number of sessions required depends on the individual and their goal . When you book a consultation with us, we will create a treatment plan for you including the ideal number of sessions. Typically clients receive 3-6 treatments.

  • Does It Hurt?

    Like any injectable treatment discomfort is possible. We prove topical anaesthetic, ice packs and distraction tools to minimize any discomfort your may experience.

  • Is it Safe?

    Chin Lipo Dissolvent has been extensively studied and approved by the FDA for the reduction of submental fat. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it is crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional to assess your suitability for treatment and discuss any potential risks or side effects.

Ready To Get Started?

Hebe Beauty Bar Red Deer

At Hebe Beauty Bar, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through the entire process, addressing any concerns you may have and ensuring your comfort during the treatment.

Achieve a more defined and sculpted jawline with the revolutionary Chin Lipo Dissolvent at Hebe Beauty Bar. Book a consultation today and discover how this non-surgical treatment can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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