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PRP Hair Restoration

This revolutionary procedure has caught the attention of men and women seeking effective and non-surgical solutions for hair loss.

One of our most sought-after treatments is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) hair restoration. If you’re looking for a safe, non-surgical approach to combat hair loss and stimulate hair growth, PRP might be the ideal choice for you.

PRP hair restoration injections treatment in Red Deer

Whether you're experiencing thinning hair or seeking to revitalize your locks, PRP therapy opens up new possibilities for achieving natural and long. We at Hebe Beauty Bar would love to learn more about your aesthetic goals and see if PRP Hair Restoration is the right choice for you.

What is PRP?

PRP hair restoration is a cutting-edge procedure that utilizes your body’s own natural healing properties to enhance hair growth. The treatment involves extracting a small sample of your blood, which is then processed to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components.

This platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors and cytokines that are essential for tissue regeneration and healing.

Once the platelet-rich plasma is prepared, it is carefully injected into the areas of your scalp that require hair regrowth. The growth factors and proteins present in the PRP promote the growth of new hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and increase the thickness and density of existing hair. This process stimulates dormant hair follicles, prolongs the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, and reduces hair shedding.

Contact us to see if PRP could be a part of your hair rejuvenation strategy or read through our FAQs.

PRP Hair Restoration Before and After

PRP hair restoration before and after

Who Can Benefit

PRP hair restoration is a versatile treatment suitable for both men and women experiencing various types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness).

You may benefit from PRP Hair Restoration if you’re looking for the following: 

  • Non-surgical solutions - PRP hair restoration is a non-invasive procedure, which means no surgical incisions or stitches are required. It offers a safe alternative to traditional hair transplant surgeries.

  • Natural and Effective - Since PRP utilizes your body’s own healing properties, there is no risk of allergic reactions or rejection. The treatment is well-tolerated, and results in natural-looking hair growth.

  • Minimal Downtime -PRP hair restoration typically involves minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities shortly after the treatment. You may experience mild redness or soreness at the injection sites, but these effects are temporary.

  • Versatile Treatment - PRP hair restoration for men or women can be tailored to suit individual needs. It can be used as a standalone treatment or combined with other hair restoration techniques to maximize results.

  • Long-Lasting Effects- While individual results may vary, many patients experience noticeable improvements in hair growth and quality within a few months of treatment. PRP can help maintain the results achieved and slow down the progression of hair loss.

What To Expect 

When you book with us at Hebe Beauty Bar, we’ll go through a consultation with you to ensure you understand every detail of the process and feel safe and confident in your procedure. Some questions we find people commonly ask about getting started are:

  • How Long Does It Last?

    While individual results may vary, most patients notice a gradual improvement in their hair quality and density after a few months of undergoing PRP therapy. Hair growth may continue to improve for up to a year following the treatment. To maintain the results, periodic touch-up sessions are recommended.

  • Does It Hurt?

    Any procedure involving an injection has the potential to cause discomfort, however, the needles involved in the treatment are very fine and result in minimal sensations.

  • How Does It Work?

    Platelets are renowned for their role in the body's natural healing process, as they contain numerous growth factors and proteins that facilitate tissue repair and regeneration.

    When injected into the scalp, the platelet-rich plasma promotes the growth of new blood vessels, increases collagen production, and stimulates the dormant hair follicles. This process strengthens existing hair, enhances follicular density, and encourages the growth of thicker and healthier hair.

Ready To Get Started with Hair Loss Treatment in Red Deer?

At Hebe Beauty Bar, we work with our clients to find the right long-term treatment plan to help you work towards your beauty and aesthetic goals. When you book with us, we offer a complimentary consultation so we can learn about your aesthetic goals and build a plan that helps you get there. Check out some of our reviews!

To get started, book a consultation today! We can’t wait to work with you!

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